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Tennis Racket and Ball


Set your goals high, and don't STOP TILL you get there... Sports is everywhere. Are you ready for a dynamic holiday?

Unlike some sports, playing tennis is an excellent exercise that works all the body muscles. You use your lower body for running, stopping and starting, jumping and crouching. The act of hitting a tennis ball, whether single-handed or both, works both the hips and shoulders and upper back. You can continue your favorite sport with two tennis courts in our facility.

Whether in tournaments you play for fun or in professional training. If football is indispensable for you, we are at your service with our two football fields.

Swimming is the ideal sport for heart and joint problems. It lowers the stress level. It provides a healthy sleep. With our indoor and outdoor pool options in our facility, make room in your life for swimming in all seasons with us.

Whether you are a member with our monthly or annual packages or be our guest during your stay.

For more detailed information, please do not hesitate to call us. We are here to serve you. Your satisfaction is our satisfaction.

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